Vision: To become the leading provider of local business information with multimedia services and support.
- To bring success to customers and benefits to society by providing a reliable local business information search system with a friendly interface. A system of integrated media solutions and effective communication tools.
- Published in multiple languages: English, Chinese, and Vietnamese, catering to various user groups.
- Released in large quantities, increasing each year, and distributed free of charge to phone subscribers and businesses across the country and some countries in the region.
- Has long-term value for one year, allowing customers to find the information they need at any time, thanks to the "availability" of the Yellow Pages, which includes over 1,000 industry categories across many fields. Customers also receive various benefits when advertising in the Yellow Pages directory.
- Customer advertisements are published free of charge on the website:, where users can directly connect to the customer's website.
- Customer advertisements are prioritized and answered for all customers nationwide through the Yellow Pages helpline 1081.
- To bring success to customers and benefits to society by providing a reliable local business information search system with a friendly interface. A system of integrated media solutions and effective communication tools.
- Creativity is life.
- Trust is the foundation.
- Responsibility is a commitment.